Time and Location:

Tu/Th: 9:30am - 10:45am, CSI 2120


  • Projects: 65%
  • Homeworks and Exams: 35%


  • R. Siegwart I. Nourbakhsh, and D. Scaramuzza: Autonomous Mobile Robots, Second Edition, MIT Press, 2011, First Edition: download
  • Peter Corke: Robotics, Vision and Control, Fundamental Algorithms in Matlab: download

Recommended books:

  • S. Thrun, W. Burghart, D. Fox: Probabilistic Robotics: download

Online Resources:

Course Outline:

Date Topic Assignments/Deadlines
  • Week 1
  • 01/26
  • Introduction
  • Overview of ROS and available packages (by Anton)
  • Homework 1
  • Week 2
  • 01/31 02/02
  • Hardware and Locomotion
  • Introduction to ROS
  • Read chapter 2 of Correll
  • First Project (getting started with ROS)
  • Week 3
  • 02/07 02/09
  • Coordinate System Transformations : Representing Position and Orientation
  • Linear algebra tutorial (from PennState)
  • Mobile Robot Kinematics
  • First Project due!
  • Second Project (Kinematics)
  • Week 4
  • 02/14 02/16
  • Basic Control and Mobile Robot Control
  • Path Planning
  • Week 5
  • 02/21 02/23
  • More ROS (by Anton)
  • Sensors: depth sensors and inertial based sensors
  • Third Project (Control)
  • Homework 2
  • Solutions
  • Week 6
  • 02/28 03/02
  • Vision:
  • - Image Formation
  • - Filters and Edge Detection
  • Week 7
  • 03/07 03/09
  • Vision:
  • - Image Features
  • - Line Fitting, Quaternions
  • Fourth Project (Mapping)
  • Homework 3
  • Week 8
  • 03/14 03/16
  • Image Motion
  • Midterm (3/16)
  • Week 9
  • 03/21 03/23
  • Spring Break
  • Week 10
  • 03/28 03/30
  • Histograms
  • SIFT features
  • Hough transforms
  • Basic estimation
  • Fifth Project (SLAM)
  • Week 11
  • 04/04 04/06
  • Depth from Stereo
  • Probabilistic Robotics - Statistics Prerequisites
  • Week 12
  • 04/11 04/13
  • Uncertainty and Error Propagation
  • Localization with sensors - Markov localization
  • Week 13
  • 04/18 04/20
  • Particle Filter (localization tips )
  • Kalman Filters (example )
  • Sixth Project (Reign of Gunters!)
  • Week 14
  • 04/25 04/27
  • Multiple View Geometry and Homography
  • SLAM
  • Week 15
  • 05/02 05/04
  • Object Recognition:
  • - Recognizing specific objects
  • - Recognizing categories of objects
  • 3D Point Cloud Processing
  • Week 16
  • 05/09 05/11
  • Visual Servoing
  • Grasping